1. Activities (including apps or websites) that comfort me, calm me, and/or distract me that I can try.
6. Sing
7. Watch Animal Planet or another nature show
8. Brush hair 100 times
9. Play Soduko or another game of strategy and logic like Minesweeper or Solitaire (or a video game)
10. Watch You Tube
11. Listen to music
12. Take a walk
13. Take a hot bath
14. Take a nap.
15. Write a list of things to be grateful for such as nature’s beauty, a good friend, a pet, a skill.
2. Positive things in my life – things that make me smile – to remember like memories, jokes, people.
3. What would I say to my best friend/spouse/significant other/close friend if they were feeling this way?
4. People I can call.
Name Number
5. Call crisis hotlines:
1. Colorado Crisis Hotline 844-493-8255
2. Pike’s Peak Mental Health 719-635-7000
3. Peak View 719-444-8484
4. National Crisis Hotlines 1-800-784-2433
6.Access crisis chat sources at:
7. Call my therapist 719-600-8468
9. Walk in to crisis center:
Diversus Health Lighthouse 24/7 Walk-in
115 South Parkside Drive
10. Call 911
11. Go to nearest emergency room.
I agree to follow these steps if I feel intensely distressed or am in crisis.
Signature Date
6. Sing
7. Watch Animal Planet or another nature show
8. Brush hair 100 times
9. Play Soduko or another game of strategy and logic like Minesweeper or Solitaire (or a video game)
10. Watch You Tube
11. Listen to music
12. Take a walk
13. Take a hot bath
14. Take a nap.
15. Write a list of things to be grateful for such as nature’s beauty, a good friend, a pet, a skill.
2. Positive things in my life – things that make me smile – to remember like memories, jokes, people.
3. What would I say to my best friend/spouse/significant other/close friend if they were feeling this way?
4. People I can call.
Name Number
5. Call crisis hotlines:
1. Colorado Crisis Hotline 844-493-8255
2. Pike’s Peak Mental Health 719-635-7000
3. Peak View 719-444-8484
4. National Crisis Hotlines 1-800-784-2433
6.Access crisis chat sources at:
7. Call my therapist 719-600-8468
9. Walk in to crisis center:
Diversus Health Lighthouse 24/7 Walk-in
115 South Parkside Drive
10. Call 911
11. Go to nearest emergency room.
I agree to follow these steps if I feel intensely distressed or am in crisis.
Signature Date